Xalapa, Veracruz, México, a sábado 18 de mayo de 2024

Publica INE reglamento para gastos de precampaña en cuatro entidades

Publica INE reglamento para gastos de precampaña en cuatro entidades

, 22 de febrero de 2017

(MásNoticias.Redacción) 22 de febrero de 2017.- El Diario Oficial de la Federación publicó el acuerdo tomado por el Consejo General del Instituto Nacional Electoral (INE) por el que se determinan las reglas para la contabilidad, rendición de cuentas y fiscalización, así como los gastos que se consideran de precampaña para el proceso electoral 2016-2017 que tendrá lugar en los estados de Coahuila, Estado de México, Nayarit y Veracruz, así como para los procesos extraordinarios que pudieran derivarse de dicho proceso.

Es necesario recordar que diversos partidos políticos han presentado quejas contra precandidatos de otros institutos políticos por rebasar gastos de precampaña o por lo que consideran gastos indebidos en esa etapa.

El acuerdo emitido por el INE es aplicable a los precandidatos de partidos políticos y a los aspirantes a candidaturas independientes. Los rubros de gasto son los mismos que prevé la ley electoral en relación con la propaganda, al igual que la indicación de que los artículos sólo pueden ser producidos con materia textil y que los proveedores sólo pueden ser aquellos que estén incluidos en el Registro Nacional de Proveedores del Estado.

Todos los ingresos –sean en efectivo o en especie– y los egresos deben apegarse a la reglamentación de fiscalización vigente en la ley nacional como en la local. En la primera destaca que el registro de todo ingreso debe hacerse en moneda nacional y en valor nominal cuando haya ingreso por servicio o en especie.

La presentación de los informes de gasto de precampaña también deberá apegarse a los plazos que establece la ley electoral. En caso de no observar la normatividad a la que están ahora sujetos, los precandidatos de partidos o independientes, se atendrán a las sanciones que establece el marco normativo nacional y la reglamentación local que no se oponga a los puntos del acuerdo.

The NFL doesn release salaries of its directors of football operations, but it is believed most make anywhere from $75,000 to more than $200,000 per year. Meanwhile, salaries vary just as widely at the college level, with earnings mostly being based on the size of the program and the football operations director responsibilities. Some earn no more than $30,000 per year, while others can earn as much as $45,000 or $50,000 per year. However, it should be noted that information on earnings is based on interviews with those in football who wished to remain anonymous and not any firm reference.Part of the Wholesale Jerseys process involves soil testing to allay concerns over toxins. (And over other stuff: The first question in an oakley sunglasses FAQ on the organization’s website is «What about dog pee?») And part of it is just about public education teaching people to identify what’s edible and what’s not. This is probably easier in verdant Northern California than it might be in less temperate climes, but Rasmussen recommended getting a book or two there’s plenty out there and asking around about local experts and foraging tours. «There’s a lot of cool social networking happening in the wild food world,» she said.The NBA’s labor contract says a player convicted of a violent felony is subject to a minimum 10 game suspension for a first offense (which, in an 82 game season, is equivalent to a two game ban in a 16 game NFL season). There is also a process for clinical evaluation and counseling if there is off court «violent conduct,» which includes domestic violence.The running back is one of the most important positions on the offense of a football team. Without a good running back and a solid running game, cheap nfl jerseys a football team will have a hard time winning football games. While a defense can stack the box with defenders if they know an opposing team has a good rushing tack and good back, at the same time if a team can’t go to the ground and has to rely on passing then this will greatly reduce a team’s chances of winning the game. While there are a lot of factors that go into having a successful rushing attack, like a good offensive cheap nfl jerseys line, there are things you can do as a running back to improve your game and offset not having as good as Fake ray bans of an offensive line. Read on to learn how to become a better running wholesale jerseys china back.Purchase a blank «Audio» or «Music» CD R. Buying a «Data» CD R to burn MP3s can leave you with a CD that may only work in another computer. Burning music to a Data Cheap Football Jerseys CD RW will render the same effect. Often Data CD R and Data CD RW simply «copy» your MP3 format to the disk or burn to a MP4 format, which is not always compatible with a car stereo system. Purchasing and using a «Music» or «Audio» CD R that is specifically designed to burn music increases your chances that the CD will work in your car stereo system.