Xalapa, Veracruz, México, a viernes 03 de mayo de 2024

Pensionados bloquearon el centro de Veracruz ante falta de pagos

Pensionados bloquearon el centro de Veracruz ante falta de pagos

, 31 de octubre de 2016

Veracruz, Ver., 31 de octubre de 2016.- Pensionados agremiados a la Sección 56 del Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación tomaron calles y avenidas del centro histórico de la ciudad de Veracruz en reclamo de pagos.

El repentino bloqueo de la avenida Independencia, a la altura de la calle Juárez, en el primer cuadro de la ciudad, tomó por sorpresa a decenas de automovilistas.

Algunos conductores se vieron obligados a retroceder en sentido contrario para tomar vías alternas.

A la altura de la zona de bancos iniciaron un plantón que se prolongó durante aproximadamente dos horas.

El vocero de los manifestantes señaló que a nivel estatal fueron 28 mil 900 los jubilados afectados por el retraso en los depósitos.

Jesus knew it would be difficult for us to accept his guidance from another source. But he did not want our fear of the apparent otherness of the Prophet Muhammad and the Qur’an to separate us from the Way, the Truth, and the Life; that is, the Fake Oakleys Word of God. This is why he spoke to the disciples reassuringly about the Spirit of Truth, saying, «he will glorify me»; and, for the same reason, he emphasized the unity of his teaching with the revelations to come, twice repeating the promise, «he will take what is mine and declare it to you» (John 16:14 15, NRSV). Based on the promises of Jesus, Christians can Baratas Replicas Ray Ban encounter the Qur’an without fear, knowing that it is a revelation which glorifies Jesus and, in a spiritual sense, is from him.Johnson’s trademark concentrated frown, which he calls «the stern look», has earned him a cult following. However, San Andreas sees him extend his facial repertoire. «It’s not an alien, it’s not a bad guy shooting a gun and it’s not a tank it’s an earthquake and downtown LA is coming down so it’s a different face I have,» he notes. «The scary wholesale nfl jerseys face. The ‘Holy Shit!’ face. It’s much like when I get cheap nfl jerseys in trouble with my girlfriend.»The excitement of playing video games and competing in the online arena with the help of Madden 11 cheats has fired the imagination of both young and old alike. More and more people are getting hooked to these games and enjoy the satisfaction of getting the better of someone in the wake of their destruction spree. However, it takes a lot of effort and experience before you can reach that level. Many gamers have only a few brief moments of victory because they are not adept at it and end up making mistakes. In order to improve your gaming skills, you need to follow certain Madden tips.Is it because all those right handed can openers slowly drive them mad? Possibly. But Clyde Francks, a researcher at Oxford University, believes that it might have something to do with a newly discovered gene. Unimaginatively called LRRTM1, the gene is closely linked with left handedness, as well as being related to increased odds of mental illness.The lack of dividend growth for Kinder Morgan opens the stock up for more «Barron’s like bear attacks» in the coming weeks and months, and that Baratas Replicas Ray Ban wholesale nfl jerseys doesn’t bode well for Kinder Morgan’s stock at all. Though KMI has rallied after the company announced the cheap football jerseys dividend cut, investor sentiment remains impaired. Further, the stock is ripe for a couple of high profile downgrades from the sell side, which will continue to hurt the stock in the near term. The stock could very well test the $15 price level once more.