Xalapa, Veracruz, México, a sábado 18 de mayo de 2024

Fuga lleva cuatro meses desatendida en el centro del puerto de Veracruz

Fuga lleva cuatro meses desatendida en el centro del puerto de Veracruz

, 21 de febrero de 2017

Javier Madrigal

Veracruz, Ver., 21 de febrero de 2017.- Dos fugas de aguas negras y una de agua potable se encuentran desde hace cuatro meses en la calle Alacio Pérez, esquina Díaz Mirón de la colonia centro de la ciudad de Veracruz sin que hasta el momento alguna autoridad acuda a repararlas a pesar de los constantes reportes que han hecho  comerciantes y vecinos al Grupo Más.

Los afectados piden la pronta intervención de las autoridades competentes para que reparen lo más pronto posible las fugas, las cuales además de representar un foco de infección, generan una mala imagen para el municipio.

Already condemned Russia for any potential involvement or compromise in the cyber security in this country, whatever their motivations are, Pence said. He added, in an allusion to Hillary Clinton and her foundation involvement with foreign donors while the Democratic nominee was still secretary of state, involvement of any foreign government in American politics should be troubling to the American people. also hit wholesale nfl jerseys Clinton over some recently published State Department communications, claiming that the emails showed cheap jordan that of the Clintons were given preferential treatment for contracts for the reconstruction of haiti after an earthquake.America the Beautiful Park PassIf you are someone that enjoys visiting the national parks of the United States, and does it on a regular basis, you probably already know about this pass, but if not, let me tell you about it. This pass can be purchased for $80. It is good for one year, and grants access to ALL of the national parks and monuments in the entire continental Cheap ray bans United States. It is valid for parks that charge «per vehicle.» And for the parks that charge «per person,» it is good for you plus 3 other adults. (And remember, this is only good for National parks, not State or City parks.) I hope cheap jordan you enjoyed this article, and I hope that you get a chance to come see the many amazing wonders of Arizona!All of this shifting of the ranks may lead one to ask, «How in the hell is the BCS computed, anyway?» The answer to this question is something all fans have wanted to know, mainly due to all of the frustration and fan disappointment the system has caused over the years.In the other articles following the story, the sentiment and content of the West Australian’s piece were mirrored. Few, save the ABC Online, cheap jordan engaged in any debate or sought an alternative medical opinion to that of Dr Walters. This could be because the press is acutely aware of the faux pas in debating IVF and Replica Oakleys late pregnancy. This desire to appear politically correct inhibits what is actually an important discussion to be had: risks in maternal health. This is further evidenced by the SMH’s October 7th follow up opinion piece «Life choices for women» in which Louise Farrell asks «Where does this leave women who are not yet mothers, but who wish to establish a career and achieve the same goals as their male counterparts?» This type of tired question uses Dr Walter’s comments as a launching pad for another clichd gender equality tirade rather than to address the serious health concerns which the doctor raised. It appears that the mainstream media’s political correctness wholesale Jerseys and surface feminism are preventing a much more important discussion on maternal health.