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El poder judicial español sanciona a un diario por usar foto de Facebook

El poder judicial español sanciona a un diario por usar foto de Facebook

, 22 de febrero de 2017

(MásNoticias.Redacción) 22 de febrero de 2017.- El Tribunal Supremo de España sancionó al diario La opinión de Zamora por haber utilizado la foto de un hombre para ilustrar una nota en la que informaba que dicha persona había sido agredida por su hermano con un arma de fuego.

El poder judicial español consideró que cuando una persona sube fotos personales a esta red social, lo hace para compartir con otros a los que ha elegido, pero un medio de comunicación no puede utilizarla para sus fines informativos sin permiso del titular porque, como en este caso, se considera una intromisión en el derecho a su propia imagen.

El diario fue sentenciado a indemnizar al quejoso con 15 mil euros y la prohibición de utilizar la imagen en cualquier soporte o plataforma.

El uso de las imágenes de Facebook es habitual y en México es un tema todavía en debate. Los derechos ARCO (aclaración, rechazo, consentimiento y otorgamiento) sobre los datos personales, sustentados en el artículo 16 de la Constitución y reglamentados en la Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares no registra señalamientos específicos sobre el tema de las redes sociales, aunque su articulado pueden dar lugar a una  interpretación para levantar una queja, basada en los términos del aviso de privacidad.

The draft of course is not a perfect guide. Some top picks have proved colossal flops; others have been eclipsed by players chosen far lower, as a virtual afterthought. Tom Brady for instance, who had led the New England Patriots to three Super Bowls, only went in the sixth round of the 2000 draft, while Cheap NFL Jerseys Albert Pujols, today regarded as baseball’s best player, was chosen by the cheap oakleys St Louis Cardinals in round 13 of the 1999 MLB draft, the 402nd pick overall.In addition, normal liver tissues (n = 4) were obtained from liver donors at the Liver Transplantation Unit in The First Affiliated Hospital, College of Medicine, Zhejiang University. The pathological classification of HCC cheap nfl jerseys tissues was carried out and the stage of each HCC was determined according to criteria outlined by the Liver Cancer Study Group of Japan28. «We just have to put together a full game and I have to put together a full game and a complete game and just continue to keep working. Obviously, Wholesale Jerseys it will get to you, but you can’t let it knock you down. You can’t let it knock you back. You have to stay positive and keep moving cheap jordan forward.»»One form of racism,» Adam explains, «is that it’s not permissible for a woman to be in the car with a male who isn’t related to her, but somehow it was acceptable to use a driver or take a cab driven by a Pakistani or a Bangladeshi. I Replica Oakleys guess it’s because in this case, the driver is part of the ‘furniture’ and completely nonthreatening.»Some people are so desperate to be nonconformists that they devote a great deal of their time to doing exactly the opposite of whatever «the masses» are doing. This form of «nonconformity» is more like what I would call «anticonformity,» because you’re not really doing your own thing, you’re just doing the opposite of someone else’s thing. Not only is it at least as stupid as being Wholesale NFL Jerseys a conformist sheep or whatever, it’s actually worse in a lot of ways.But of course the splashiest news was that Apple finally made its first foray into the living room with the iTV (not its final name). This is actually a pre announcement, since Steve said the product will not be available until Q1 2007. But it looks a bit like a Mac mini, but hosts a huge variety of outputs HDMI, WiFi, FireWire, component video, analog video, and optical digital audio. It also boasts a wireless connection and is supposed to be everything you need to connect your computer to your home theater system. It’s the missing link between the computer and the living room and should finally allow consumers a proper theater experience the ability to view movies on their sofas instead of in front of their computers. Steve actually demonstrated one working and displaying a HDTV movie of the Incredibles. The target price for iTV is $299.