Xalapa, Veracruz, México, a sábado 04 de mayo de 2024

Este año, la obesidad en México generará un costo de 151 MMDP

Este año, la obesidad en México generará un costo de 151 MMDP

, 7 de febrero de 2017

En virtud de que la obesidad en México generará un costo por más de 151 mil millones de pesos este año, según la Secretaría de Salud, la diputada Isaura Pool Pech (PRD) planteó reformar la Ley General de Cultura Física y Deporte y la Ley General de Salud, a fin de crear el Fondo para la Prevención a través de la Activación Física y la Atención en materia de Salud del Sobrepeso y la Obesidad.

La iniciativa establece que los recursos de dicho fondo corresponderán a la totalidad de la recaudación por concepto del Impuesto Especial sobre Producción y Servicios (IEPS) aplicables a bebidas saborizadas y alimentos con alta densidad calórica.

Se destinarán a promover acciones de prevención del sobrepeso y la obesidad, a través de la activación física, de conformidad con el Sistema Nacional de Planeación Democrática (SNPD), el Programa Nacional de Cultura Física y Deporte 2014-2018, que emana del Plan Nacional de Desarrollo, y el Programa Sectorial de Educación 2013-2018.

La legisladora destacó que la falta de ejercicio genera alrededor de 5.3 millones de muertes al año, es decir, “provoca tantas muertes como fumar”. En nuestro país, continuó, la inactividad física es un problema difícil de combatir, pese a los programas que ha implementado el Estado, ya que poco más de 56 por ciento de la población no se ejercita.

De ese porcentaje, resaltó, 41.9 por ciento nunca ha practicado alguna actividad físico-deportiva y la principal causa para no realizarla es la falta de tiempo. “Estas cifras son preocupantes, ya que en 1989 sólo 10 por ciento de la población era obesa y actualmente, México es el primer lugar mundial en obesidad adulta e infantil, delante de Estados Unidos y Canadá”, acotó.

De acuerdo con la última Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición, detalló, más del 70 por ciento de los adultos padecen sobrepeso y obesidad y más del 33 por ciento son niños y adolescentes.

Según el Instituto Mexicano de la Competitividad, el sobrepeso y la obesidad representan para el país un costo entre 82 mil y 98 mil millones de pesos (mdp), que equivalen al 73 y 87 por ciento del gasto programable en salud, sólo considerando los costos atribuibles a la diabetes.

And Ferguson’s work ethic can be traced back to his roots. His father was a disciplinarian and a shipyard worker whose wages seven pounds and 15 shillings a week in 1955 for 64 hours of sweat and toil, as Ferguson reminds us were just about enough to manage a low income family and his mother worked cleaning houses after the demise of her husband of cancer.The AMA survey results are cause for alarm, in my opinion, and many more businesses need to be aware of what is happening with crisis management at work today. Ownership and senior management must recognize the problem and the risk factors and then develop and implement a strong crisis management plan for the organization. Without a strong crisis management and crisis communications plan, businesses can become frozen with indecision during a crisis. The company can become paralyzed without a strategic organized framework to respond to the crisis. And the company can literally be devastated and Fake Oakleys actually fold due to a lack of crisis management planning.The lawyer, who recently opened an office in downtown Orlando, claimed that he felt Judge Belvin Perry talked down to him during the trial. Perry has officially resigned his post as chief judge of Florida’s Ninth Judicial Circuit. After serving 25 years as a judge there, he announced on September 1 that he was going back into private practice with the law firm of Morgan and Morgan.Going off how the racing has been in Europe this year on the XTERRA circuit, they are getting more aggressive with a lot of attacking each other, and this course will only fuel that sort of href=»http://cheapjerseysupply.com/» target=»_blank»>cheap jerseys Cheap NFL Jerseys thing.»I’m always proud to put that black tri suit, New Zealand has a history of doing big things on the tri and adventure racing circuit so it’s always a proud moment to race with the fern on your back.»Currie is looking forward to being on the start line in better shape than last year.»I raced the course there last year in a pretty fatigued state, after doing Coast to Coast and Challenge Wanaka the two weekends before. Malkovich’s surprised yelp of pain and subsequent cradling of his head amused Jonze so much that he decided to keep the scene in the film. This Cheap nfl jerseys isn’t so surprising when you consider that this is the man who helped bring Jackass to our screens, cheap jordan so we already know that he revels in the pain of others.»With Baratas Ray Ban his shoulder, if they released that biceps tendon and cut it, his arm is going to feel great,» he said. «I popped mine two years before [retirement], and as soon as I popped it it was great. What I heard is he had the same type thing. If he did, then his arm is going to be fine.» cheap football jerseys