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Necesario incluir a Pemex y CFE en Ley General del Sistema Nacional Anticorrupción

Necesario incluir a Pemex y CFE en Ley General del Sistema Nacional Anticorrupción

, 6 de febrero de 2017

El presidente de la Comisión de Transparencia y Anticorrupción, Rogerio Castro Vázquez (Morena), señaló la urgencia de incluir a Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) y la Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE) dentro de la Ley General del Sistema Nacional Anticorrupción, a fin de que sus funcionarios estén obligados a rendir cuentas.

“Más allá de buscar más penalizaciones, lo que queremos es que se transparenten los recursos de Pemex y que en la ley tengan responsabilidades sus funcionarios”, explicó.

En entrevista, aseguró que actualmente no están obligados a rendir cuentas, porque son parte de lo que se conoce como empresa productiva del Estado.

“Cuando se cambia la ley, se crea una nueva empresa productiva del Estado, por lo tanto no entran en el régimen de servidores públicos. Las leyes de responsabilidades y de transparencia que se aprobaron, no se enfocan a que estos funcionarios rindan cuentas”, lamentó.

El diputado llamó a debatir este tema, ya que si antes se han propuesto reformas para transparentar Pemex y CFE, “ahora más que nunca tenemos que saber cómo se están manejando los recursos públicos en las empresas productivas del Estado”.

“No hay un argumento. Si tú haces una solicitud de información sobre los contratos de Pemex, no se te otorga, porque están sellados o no procede”, sostuvo.

Comentó que otro problema pendiente de la Ley General del Sistema Nacional Anticorrupción, es que “no se toca a los grandes funcionarios”, debido a que sólo se incluyen ciertas medidas de control fiscalizador en algunos ámbitos.

Castro Vázquez adelantó que durante este periodo ordinario la comisión a su cargo impulsará diversas iniciativas para reformar el 108 constitucional, sobre el fuero de servidores públicos y respecto a los conflictos de intereses.

El legislador comentó que en estos momentos también trabajarán, junto con la comisión de Vigilancia de la Auditoría Superior de la Federación, en el nombramiento de los contralores internos de los órganos autónomos.

“Tenemos que ver los perfiles, analizarlos. Vamos a presentar las propuestas que participarán en esa gran convocatoria, para que estos funcionarios sean independientes y transparentes”, comentó.

In the pros and in college at the thirty yard line, in high school at the forty yard line of the team that is kicking. And when that ball is placed there when the kicker runs up to kick it no member of his team can cross that line before he has kicked the ball. The clasp stays together until you’re at your knees. Then you’re going to lift and your leg is going to come up and then your legs come down with your hands. In this jump, you can do it consecutively so you can do just one toe touch. You can do two toe touches and add it on to a third toe touch. John Hardy, professor of neuroscience cheap nfl jerseys at University College London, is working with the club to analyse the findings: «We need to follow players of Cheap Football Jerseys contact sports to collect this systemic data. We need to find out why a repetitive injury in your 30s can lead to brain disease in your 50s.»NPR transcripts are created on a rush deadline by Verb8tm, Inc., an NPR contractor, and produced using a proprietary transcription process developed with NPR. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. Accuracy and availability may vary. She’s believed to be the nation’s only female head coach of a high school varsity football team.DAVIS: I think at the time there were really no conversations about homophobia and gay athletes in sports. So just my honest opinion, I don’t think that they would have been ready for it just because there was no conversation about it. I think that for the most parts, cheap oakleys my teammates would have been fine. I think that there would have been an issue of how to kind of deal with it.His cognitive decline has been slow and, at times, painful.But when Tia McNeill, who is separated from her husband, considered the possibility that another player Cheap mlb Jerseys has tau but no cognitive problems, she remained unfazed.»I think that as with anything, our bodies are all different,» she said. «There are some players that are deeply cheap jordans affected and other that aren’t.». And that hurts. It hurts us to see,» Fettner said. «He’s 24 years old and he’s got to get Cheap Football Jerseys right, whatever it is.»If you talk to anybody’s family that has depression, they will be talking about these same things the (despondence), the withdrawal, the head in the sand despair just trying to cope.»Further substance wholesale nfl jersyes abuse violations, however, could keep him from seeing the field again. A safety is scored in the NFL in a number of ways. If a player is tackled by the opposing team in his own end zone, then a safety is awarded to the defense, worth two points. If the ball carrier goes into his own end zone and steps across the sidelines or the end line out of bounds, this is a safety. If a team snaps, fumbles, or laterals a ball out of bounds in their own end zone, a safety is scored by the opposing side. Safeties can also be scored by NFL end zone rules when a team has a kick or a punt blocked and the ball goes out of bounds in their own end zone, or when they intentionally down the ball by kneeling or falling on it in their own end zone. No safety results when a defensive player intercepts a ball near the goal line and has his momentum carry him into the end zone where he is then tackled. The play is ruled a touchback, and the opposing team gets the ball at their 20 yard line.